*Cara bijak pada proyek crypto pi Network adl berkontribusi pd ekosistem nya... Tawarkan produk barang/jasa/keahlian apapun dibarter dgn koin pi.. Dr hasil transaksi kita mndptkan koin pi. Sebagian koin pi yg kita dptkan kita konversi kan ke Fiat utk perputaran modal.. Sisanya untuk menambah koin pi di saldo kita shg jmlh koin pi yg kita dptkn semakin banyak.. Tetapi kita jg mendapatkan keuntungan untuk menambah rejeki sehari hari..*
*Dari sini ekosistem pi Network akan bertumbuh dan berkembang*
*Dan harganya akan naik secara alami krn kontribusi para pioneer nya*
The wise way on the pi Network crypto project is to contribute to its ecosystem... Offer any product/service/skill bartered with pi coins. From the transaction results we get pi coins. Some of the pi coins we get we convert to Fiat for capital turnover. The rest is to add pi coins to our balance so that the number of pi coins we get is increasing. But we also get benefits to increase our daily fortune..
From here the pi Network ecosystem will grow and develop
And the price will increase naturally because of the contribution of its pioneers