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🌟 Hello Pinetbook Community!🌟
As a dedicated member of the Pinetbook organization for the past year, I've been actively contributing to our vibrant Pi community. However, I recently realized that I haven't received any updates on my Pi earnings from the previous months. 🤔

Additionally, I'm eager to reconnect with fellow team members on social media platforms. Unfortunately, Twitter is banned in our country, which makes it challenging for me to reach out there. But fear not! I'm determined to stay connected and continue supporting our community. 🙌

If anyone has insights on how I can access my earnings information or if there's an alternative way to connect with the Pinetbook team, please share your wisdom! Let's keep our Pi community thriving. 🚀
Looking forward to hearing from you all!
Thank you! 🙏

**Note**: Since Twitter is banned in your country, I've omitted direct references to it in the post. If you'd like me to include any other details or have specific preferences, feel free to share them!
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