Absolutely! Caring for others is a reflection of our humanity, and in doing so, we nurture our own sense of purpose and fulfillment.
All comments against GCV have been blocked immediately by me 🚫
Additionally, any groups that share anti-GCV messages or even question GCV have been removed without warning by me. ⚠️
The reason for these actions is simple: I provided ample time and opportunities for understanding, but they chose to ignore the information and continued to question it.
Their motivation appears to be the destruction of GCV rather than a genuine desire for answers to their questions.
We no longer need individuals who are against GCV. Instead, we need to focus our time and energy on mass education and the development of the GCV ecosystem.
All pioneers are encouraged to unfollow and block any anti-GCV accounts to avoid unnecessary anxiety. Absolutely! When people try to bring you down, it often reflects their own struggles or insecurities, but the beauty lies in knowing that the Creator has a higher purpose for you