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The land favorable to hope

Limitations, impediments, challenges, experiences... everything is in continuous motion and instability can take over us!

And yet.....

    When all seems lost maybe it isn't!

 From the depths it comes in full and hits us with at least a small sliver of hope, concluding that still...all is not lost!

 Hope is our source, an inner strength, a deep feeling that somehow guides us and does not let us fall completely when everything seems to have no way out. Like in a labyrinth, you feel lost and lost, yet let's not forget that we have all the answers as well as the key and hope jumps to our aid.

     Time has proven that he spoke not only of concepts but also of essential tools in moments of instability leading us to an answer if we are willing to listen.

     Choice actually lies in each of us and life has shown us that it is vital and to be taken into account because thinking and hope are choices that define us.

R Alexandra

5 Blog posts
