اللهم ردنا اليك ردا جميلا
ما الفرق بين (ارجعي) و (اذهبي)؟
لماذا يذكر القرآن الكريم للنفس المؤمنة حين موتها، (ارجعي) إلى ربك وليس (اذهبي)؟
ماهو الفرق بين الذهاب والرجوع؟
نقول: (ذهبت إلى السوق... ورجعت إلى البيت...وليس العكس).
الذهاب يكون من المكان الاصل إلى المكان المؤقت.
والرجوع يكون من المكان المؤقت إلى المكان الأصل.
سيدنا سليمان عليه السلام أرسل الهدهد إلى قوم بلقيس، وقال له (اذهب بكتابي هذا فألقه إليهم).
وعندما جاءه رسول بلقيس، قال له (ارجع إليهم).
لذلك فإن ربنا سبحانه يقول لنفس المؤمن عند موتها (ياأيتها النفس المطمئنة ارجعي إلى ربك راضية مرضية).
وليس اذهبى إلى ربك...لأن الدنيا بالنسبة للمؤمن مكان مؤقت، وكذلك (واتقوا يوما ترجعون فيه إلى الله)، ولم يقل تذهبون فيه إلى الله، فعنده سبحانه المقر والمستقر..
وكل ماسواه فناء وزوال.
The world is very poor.Based on a World Bank report in 2023,the total amount of global wealth including all assets is around $1,500 trillion.If 1 Pi = $314,159,then the amount is approximately 4.8 billion Pi.
With such a large amount of global wealth,the World Bank reports that the world's population living below the poverty line is around 47% (3.6 billion people) of the total world population of more than 8 billion people.That doesn't include people with a standard income of around 38%.This means that only around 15% of the world's population is truly prosperous.
In order for the world's population to be free from poverty,current global wealth must be 10 times greater (calculation based on attached poverty data).In other words,every people can earn a decent living,can get a job with an appropriate salary,and can pay or pay off debts that are a burden.
Pi Network is here to make it all happen.Increased world wealth 10 fold to $15,000 trillion,which is equivalent to 48 billion Pi.Everything has been in process since March 14,2019..It takes time gradually because the world financial system has been damaged for hundreds of years.
That's why a supply of 65 billion Pi is distributed to the community.Not only to improve life in the world today,but for several generations of the world's population in the future.
Hopefully those of you who don't understand GCV can understand after reading this simple article.A GCV of $314,159 is a small amount to start building a better new world life.
Pi Network for a better world..Pi Network is King!!!..👑👑🚀🚀💖💖