Nous s'approchons vers le réseau principal du pi Newton
C'est des signalés avec la version 0.5.0
تحديث كبير في PiNetwork أطلق PiCoreTeam رسمياً Node V0.5.0 وهو إنجاز كبير في انتقالناً من Testnet إلى Testnet2 مما يمهد الطريق الي إطلاق الشبكة المفتوحة
Big update in PiNetwork PiCoreTeam has officially launched Node V0.5.0 a major milestone in our transition from Testnet to Testnet2 paving the
way for the launch of the open network
💫 Haven’t you noticed that while every #cryptocurrency focuses solely on the world of finance, #pinetwork speaks to every aspect of our lives? Pi is more than just a project—it’s woven into every corner of our future, touching all areas of the new global system.