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Pi Chain Mall official
Pi Chain Mall official

Pi Chain Mall official


At present, #pinetwork users come from more than 200 countries around the world?.It is the most active blockchain project among cryptocurrencies. The encryption pioneers composed of ordinary people can be found in any corner of the world.?

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Dear all Pioneers,
Pilot barter has been started.

If you are wishing to become a real seller in PCM and earn Pi by selling your goods, please let us know by sending an email to pichainmall.salesmana.com

Get ready to the moon with PCM really soon!!

Don't forget to check any PiChain Mall updates


⛔ Pioneers please be careful and not to be scammed. When PCM initiates a payment, the browser will jump to pi wallet.pi. If the payment is not in Pi wallet, you are subjected into huge risk. Please do not paste the mnemonic in places apart from the Pi official wallet app.


To ensure the security of Pi, PCM have distributed the Pi received to three wallets. The total Pi amount on PCM almost reach one million. Both the PCM core team and the Pi core team consider Pi fund security extremely serious, we have been releasing several function to ensure the security during pi withdrawal.

PCM is now calibrating the blockchain balance. Please wait patiently. After the completion of calibration, we welcome pioneers to actively participate in the withdrawal test. After the testing period, 2FA key will be reset and the real Pi withdrawal will start! Stay tuned!

Pi Chain Mall official Pinetbook

Pi Chain Mall has released a new function for product classification. When sellers upload the product, they can choose if it is a new product or second hand products.

The product status will also be displayed on the homepage product list.
