Morning Prayer
"I waited patiently for the Lord's help; then he listened to me and heard my cry"
We thank You our Lord and our God for Your love, mercy and kindness. We thank You for the opportunity to see this day and serve You through our neighbours. Dear God, may You turn every mockery in our lives to testimony and may we be instruments of praise to You and testimony of Your faithfulness to the world. We pray for strength to believe and wait on the Lord for as many that are despairing now. Be mindful of us and bless us. Gracious and holy Father, please give us intellect to understand You, reason to discern You; diligence to seek You; wisdom to find You; a spirit to know You; a heart to meditate upon You; ears to hear You; eyes to see You; a tongue to proclaim You; a way of life pleasing to You; patience to wait for You; and perseverance to look for You. Grant us: a perfect end, Your Holy presence. A blessed resurrection, and life everlasting. Amen.
As we go about our activities today may God bless and protect us Father Son and Holy Spirit Amen
Good Morning And Thank God is Friday .