Search, Buy & Sell everything with Map of Pi via Pay With Pi. To date ONE MILLION pioneers have used Map of Pi at least once, and over 58,000 of them have registered as Sellers.
Map of Pi stands with all our pioneer friends frustrated about delayed Open Mainnet. We can help you.
Buyers: Your pi has value now with Map of Pi. Search for real world goods and services and use your pi now to buy them. No need to wait for Open Mainnet.
Sellers: List your real world goods and services on Map of Pi. You receive the pi payments from your Buyers directly into your Pi Wallet as usable unlocked pi. Imagine the value of your enormous Pi Wallet when Open Mainnet arrives.
Map of Pi does not deduct a commission… 100% of Buyer pi payment is received immediately by the Seller (other than the Pi Wallet 0.01pi gas fee taken by Pi Network).
No need to wait for Open Mainnet… Map of Pi is live in your Pi Browser Ecosystem now.
All best, Philip.