Anti-GCV needs to "read correctly" until the very last sentence.
Some important points:
■ The Nodes are the "decentralized heart" of the Pi Network. The Pi Coin configuration (Pi symbol, fixed value of Pi (GCV $314,159), and Pi supply) is a constant and has been integrated into the Node system. The Pi Coin configuration is a special part of the Pi Network configuration.
Pi Network Configuration (Node system integration): [GitHub link]
■ I quote the statement written on Social Chain (Pi Network developer):
"Pi is a new digital currency that turns your online time into a source of wealth. Pi is powered by a network of people around the world collectively focusing their attention to earn digital currency. Unlike cryptocurrencies, Pi is distributed fairly and consumes very little battery energy."
The issue is that Pi is a digital currency, not a cryptocurrency. It is very different. This is where many Pioneers misunderstand, as many Pioneers still think Pi is a cryptocurrency and thus believe in IOUs. There are no IOUs for money!
■ Dr. Nicolas stated, "Pi has value as determined by the Pioneers." This means the value of Pi is defined by the consensus of the Pioneers and is not determined on the open market during the Open Mainnet (OM). After OM, there will be no "titles" anymore. All Pioneers, miners, or Pi owners will simply be called users. Thus, determining the value of Pi is a privilege of the Pioneers during the closed Mainnet phase. After OM, all new users will follow the pre-determined value.
#pinetwork #gcv
#web3 #meey_group