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The basis of strong relationships

In a world where individualism, competition and malice are at extreme levels, together with the concept of mutual support it intervenes and is indispensable in building any type of relationships, being the foundation without which it cannot be built.

If we deepen this concept of mutual support we can see that it is something essential for our well-being, both physical and emotional, intertwining completely and complexly.

   There are concepts and many ancient stories about reciprocity, but also studies from today that have demonstrated many benefits  

 we bring upon ourselves by adopting the habits of reciprocity.

   Support is dynamic and always contributes, this is the goal, being vital, resulting in a strong impact. It can be analyzed through many theories and ethics that support the essentials of this support through facts and real studies.


 Be kind and benevolent, be human!

R Alexandra

11 Blog Postagens
