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An emotion like sadness is characterized by deep, pressing, discouraging feelings to the point of losing oneself.

It varies and can be cataloged through several different visions and oscillating in intensity and through this characteristic we find persistence, depth, affect. 

 In another way, although for some it might seem absurd and unacceptable, it also has a beneficial role in every experience of sadness in everyone's life. Sadness somehow also develops some adaptation and processing skills, having the chance to reflect more on the things that were not given importance. 

 Much research has also been done on sadness and it has clearly shown the direct impact on us.

   But all is not lost, life is not always what we want and loss is part of us from the moment we are born. There are numerous remedies for the ability to digest sadness, especially the inevitable one, gradually reaching through various methods to reduce the intensity from unbearable to minimal and then even reaching acceptance intertwined with healing.

     This feeling being inevitable at some point, it can matter decisively in our life, that's why it is necessary to really do something for ourselves. There are many examples for reducing sadness from physical activities, therapy, creative workshops, dance, meditation, writing ... and many others. We can deal with this emotion to the level where we accept that it is part of our life.

    It depends on us!

R Alexandra

11 Blog posts
