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Beyond the shore...life!

Beautiful days just to see them...letting time pass telling us that tomorrow will be better.

Clear days and me thinking...
    I remember the words of a loved one that "it is not time that passes, but we ourselves pass, so quickly!"I wonder: in all this rush for things, people, when and how much do we manage to enjoy what we actually have? Sometimes the road to happiness embodies so little and yet so much. We forget to be forgiving and don't want or realize that we have to accept that we are so different!

       People come, stay and leave our lives, but in the end we learn something from each one. When we forgive, we do not forget, but accept and actually help ourselves, making room for negativity to leave, not having limits in thinking, making inner order with you. We hurt ourselves with our own expectations and don't realize that the little things make a difference and so do the facts. We change our perceptions, our desires, our lives, our maturation, and what was once important becomes so insignificant. Suddenly other priorities appear and then you stop to ask yourself: Is it worth charging yourself negatively and burdening your soul when everything is so fleeting???

        Everything is from moments, which pass sooner or later but the memory remains, the experience...the moment!

R Alexandra

3 Blog posts

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