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Badge Rewards

Pinetbook Badge Rewards Program: Protection Shield, Organization, Golden Badge and Business Partner Badges Explained

1. Account Protection Shieldbadge star

Description: This shield is awarded to accounts with more than 1,000 followers that consistently contribute positively to the Pinetbook platform and community, while adhering to community guidelines.

Criteria for Eligibility: To qualify, accounts must meet the following criteria:

+ Followers: Must have more than 1,000 followers.
+ Content: Must contribute positively to the platform and community.
+ Compliance: Must adhere to all community guidelines.

Ineligibility: Accounts will be ineligible if they:

+ Violate community guidelines.
+ Engage in spam activities.

Revocation: The shield may be revoked if:

+ The account has been inactive for a long period.
+ The account violates community guidelines.
+ The account posts spam content.
+ The account receives multiple negative user reports.

2. Organization Badge

Description: The Organization Badge is awarded to individuals or groups who contribute significantly towards developing and maintaining the Pinetbook community in their respective region or country. The badge represents a mark of trust, responsibility, and authority granted by Pinetbook, acknowledging the holder's dedication and commitment to enriching the community.

Responsibilities: As a badge holder, the responsibilities include:

+ Cultivating and expanding the Pinetbook community within their region or country.
+ Reporting accounts and posts that breach community guidelines, including scam and fake accounts, and spam.
+ Participating actively in user profile verification.
+ Establishing and managing an organization account in their country under Pinetbook's supervision.

Badge Levels: The badge is awarded at different levels, determined by the number of followers:

+ Level 1: 5,000 followers
+ Level 2: 10,000 followers
+ Level 3: 20,000 followers
+ Level 4: 50,000 followers
+ Level 5: 100,000 followers

Benefits: Badge holders enjoy:

+ The privilege of managing a verified premium organization account in their region or country.
+ Priority for posting news on the front page.

Income: Badge holders receive earnings based on contributions to the platform and their badge level:

+ Level 1: 30 Pi per month
+ Level 2: US$100 + 60 Pi per month
+ Level 3: US$200 + 90 Pi per month
+ Level 4: US$500 + 130 Pi per month
+ Level 5: US$1,000 + 200 Pi per month

3. Business Partner Badge

Description: The Business Partner Badge is a distinctive recognition awarded to businesses that plan to operate or are already operating, demonstrating their commitment to enrich the Pinetbook community. The badge represents a partnership between Pinetbook and the business, highlighting the business's role as a trusted and valuable contributor to the platform.

Criteria for Eligibility: To receive the Business Partner Badge, businesses must meet the following conditions:

+ Must be a functioning business or have concrete plans to operate in the future, with verifiable evidence.
+ Information on the business account must accurately and comprehensively describe the business type, industry, and the products and services provided.

Benefits: Verified business and partner accounts enjoy the following benefits:

+ Featured member category: The business account will be displayed prominently.
+ Sponsored posts: Businesses can create up to five sponsored posts on the front page.
+ No character limit: Posts are not subjected to a character limit.
+ Increase posting capacity: The account will have a priority posting capacity of up to 256 MB.
+ Advertising priority: Businesses receive priority when creating advertising posts.

Prohibited Activities: The following activities are strictly forbidden for Business Partner Badge holders:

+ Promoting products and services that are banned in the countries where Pinetbook operates.
+ Engaging in deceptive activities.
+ Engaging in aggressive operations or armed threats.
+ Participating in racist activities.
+ Participating in or facilitating activities related to child sexual abuse.

Violations of these prohibitions can result in the immediate revocation of the Business Partner Badge and potential legal consequences.

4. Golden Badge badge golden

Description: The Golden Badge is an esteemed recognition granted to accounts that demonstrate exceptional contributions to the Pinetbook platform and community. This badge is specially designed for highly searched notable accounts, celebrities, designers, organizations and verified businesses.

Criteria for Eligibility: To be eligible for the Golden Badge, accounts must meet the following conditions:

+ The account must operate in one of the specified fields: cryptocurrency, celebrities, designers, organizations, or verified businesses.
+ The account must have made significant contributions to the Pinetbook community.
+ The account must have been active on the platform for over one month.

Benefits: Holders of the Golden Badge enjoy the following advantages:

+ Priority Access: Accounts are given priority to use the latest features of the platform.
+ Increased Reputation: The badge enhances the account’s credibility and influence within the Pinetbook community.
+ Enhanced Presence: Accounts with the Golden Badge are more visible, helping to boost their presence and reach, particularly for businesses.

Badge Revocation: If an account remains inactive for three months, account violates community policies, the Golden Badge will be revoked to maintain the badge’s prestige and relevance.

5. Red Badge red badge

Description: The red badge displayed next to a user's profile signifies recognition for positive contributions to the Pinetbook platform. This badge is reserved for notable, highly searched accounts in the following categories: journalists, news anchors, experts in journalism, news and media.

Criteria for Eligibility: Steps to receive the Red Badge:
For an account to be considered for the Red Badge, the user must be an active and reputable member of the Pinetbook community. An account will qualify as active and reputable upon completing the following steps:
- The account must be verified (with a blue verification checkmark).
- The account must actively post content, regularly updating regional and global news and information.
- The posted content and news must be accurate, truthful, and compliant with Pinetbook's community guidelines.

Benefits: Holders of the Red Badge enjoy the following advantages:

+ Priority Access: Accounts are prioritized for using the latest features of the platform.
+ Increased Reputation: The badge enhances the account’s credibility and influence within the Pinetbook community.
+ Unlimited Content Posting: Accounts with the Red Badge can post unlimited content.
+ Display priority: New news posts are given priority to display and reach many users.
+ Token Rewards: Accounts that are active and effective will receive Token Bonus Codes: from 1000 - 5000 Tokens per month.

Red Badge Revocation: The Red Badge may be revoked for accounts that:
- Post false or misleading content that negatively impacts the Pinetbook community.
- Remain inactive for an extended period.
- Violate community policies.

Verification documents sent to: verified@pinetbook.com

Information last updated on November 25, 2024.