I love Pi price GCV!
Only Pi has two special characteristics,as a global currency and as a Stablecoin on the Exchanges.This is because Pi operates on the blockchain.For Pi owners (Users) who want to invest in crypto assets on the Exchanges,Pi can be exchanged (swap) for any crypto assets of your choice.Likewise crypto Investors who want to own Pi without mining,they only need to swap their crypto assets to Pi.Pioneers must understand this.Pi is not for trading,but for exchanging assets and storing assets like other Stablecoin functions.Exchanges will make a profit from transaction fees.Pi will also be connected to various Large Stock Companies,allowing every User to own shares with their Pi.All of this has been set up a long time ago,not a coincidence.Every User will have a multi function wallet to manage their business assets and personal assets.
Pi is a very scarce treasure,soon the time will come when people will sell their assets to own Pi.Everything will be Pi in time..
Hold on tight to your treasure,G